17 thoughts on “Blue Template for Joomla 1.7”

  1. I’m using this template. It is realy good.
    But in the Mainmenu at the position ‘Menuload’, I will use a menu-item as ‘text-separator’.
    In that style the lay-out is not the same as in other styles for the menus.
    Is it possible to style the menu-item in de styles.css as text-separator the same?

  2. Hello there,
    Is it possible to customize the folder where the slideshow reads the images? Wanted to use under \root\images folder and not from the \templatename folder.

  3. Hi
    I am also at a loss at how to load my photos to the slideshow. Have tried entering URLs in the Template Manager but to no avail. At this point considering using a different extension to have a slideshow facility that works. I note that there has not been a response to this issue despite it being raised back on January 17. Is anybody there?

  4. Thank you for this lovely, great template!

    If you want to change the path to the slideshow’s images, just go to “Template manager”, then click “Edit main page template”, find the text “” and below it change “/templates/template ?>/slideshow/1.jpg” to what ever you want, example “/root/images/slide1.jpg” and so on.

  5. Hi,
    Thank you for the template. I have a few questions though.
    I also have an issue with the slideshow. The thing is I wanted to add more slides in it but I haven’t found any option that would allow me to do that. So I had to use a different module. And in order to display it on the front page in the body I set it to breadcrumbs position, but now it’s breaking my layout because it moves down the modules on each side of it. Please help.
    I noticed that there was no reply to the previous comments for over a month. I’d appreciate if you could answer soon. Thanks.

  6. Hi, i want to add more photos on slideshow. I’ve added more in the main page template but i dont see any more description fields in the template. I’ ve got already 9 slides and i want to add 2 more. Thanks

  7. Hello there,
    please help me, i want to change the logo and the title, slide show pictures and customize the template to meet the needs of my website but i dont know how to do it since i cant find the parament. Please i need the tutorial.


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